A new website for the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Source: District of Canada

Founded in 1961 by Fr. Basilio Rosati, a Passionist priest, the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus were entrusted to Fr. Emmanuel du Chalard (SSPX) by Father Basilio in 1996. Currently, their motherhouse is in Vigne di Narni, Italy.

A typical day in the life of a Consoling Sister consists of prayer, study and work. Tasks include: the formation of the postulants and novices, daily upkeep of the chapel, the convent and its grounds; numerous arts such as sewing, embroidery, statue restorations and painting. They also teach catechism to children, take care of the elderly in their nursing home and visit the sick and needy in their town.

In 2006, Providence blessed them with a new apostolate in India – an orphanage and old-age home. With the help of benefactors from all over the world, they constructed a truly remarkable building that houses almost 100 people. The 7 Indian sisters are tireless in their dedication to educate the orphan girls and take care of the elderly who are often found abandoned on the street and in miserable condition.

In 2014, when the first American postulant arrived in Italy, homage was paid to Our Lady of Guadalupe, and her image was enthroned in the convent. From that moment the flow of young Americans has been non-stop and the Congregation now has 45 members of 7 nationalities (26 professed sisters, 8 novices, 11 postulants), 20 of which are Americans.

In just a few years the numbers have exponentially increased. Given the lack of space, but not wanting to refuse vocations, the sisters have been obliged to put bunkbeds in the bedrooms, in the workroom, and even in the Superior’s office.

Moreover, additional girls have asked the sisters to visit. Not having any place left to put these girls, the sisters urgently need a place that is large enough for at least 20 people, to begin a Novitiate to form the girls in the beginning of their religious life.