What do you know about the "Apostolate of Prayers for Priests"?

Source: District of Canada

Twice a year in June (month of the Sacred Heart) and October (month of the Holy Rosary) the "Apostolate of Prayers for Priests" entrusts each member with a particular priest to pray during that month, in addition to the usual prayers for priests.

The aims of  'The Apostolate of Prayers for Priests' are the sanctification of all priests. That is, the conversion of those who have fallen away into error or heresy; the strengthening of the weak; the perseverance of the faithful priests and the souls of the priests in Purgatory, with particular prayers for the Pope and Hierarchy of Holy Mother the Church.  No Priest is excluded from our prayers.  Members have made an act of dedication of their lives of praying each day for priests.

‘The Apostolate’ is the fruit of the Ignatian retreat that took place in Albury during February 1989.  It had the blessing of the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who appointed Father Gerard Hogan, our first spiritual director.

From our first meeting with Father Hogan in September 1989, he encouraged us to have devotion to the first Thursday of the month, and the Mass of the Eternal High Priest.  As many members as able, attend Mass, the Holy Hour and a spiritual conference with one of the priests.  On the other Thursdays we attend Mass and a Holy Hour. 

‘The Apostolate’ is open to all practicing Traditional Catholics, both men and women, as it is a purely spiritual work.  Members may adopt a particular Priest for whom they wish to pray regularly, along with the general intentions of the Apostolate.  ‘The Apostolate’ is the work of the Church Militant in justice to those who provide our spiritual needs.

‘The Apostolate of Prayers for Priests’ has 920 members in all states of Australia and in thirteen Overseas Countries; Singapore, Malaysia, India, South Africa, England, Philippines, Canada, United States of America, New Zealand, France, Brazil, Nigeria and Denmark.

Twice a year in June (the month of the Sacred Heart) and October (the month of the Holy Rosary), we allocate to each member a particular priest to pray for that month, over and above the normal daily prayers for priests.  As from the month of August 1992, Father Laisney, our Spiritual director at the time, gave his approval for the recitation of the Litany of the Precious Blood (daily if possible), for the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests for their speedy return to tradition and the faith of the Eternal Church.

‘The Apostolate of Prayers for Priests’ is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, Saint Joseph and Saint Therese of Lisieux.

For more information:

The Apostolate of Prayers for Priests

C/- 11 Nemesia Avenue




E Mail:      [email protected]