Letter from the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - India

Source: District of Canada

Varshita colouring away a picture of Our Lady

Dear Friends in Christ,

The times are so different the whole world wide. Hope you are all keeping well and managing the lockdowns. As Our Lord says, when you pray enter into your inner chamber and lock the door and pray in secret.. Well now we are physically forced to stay inside, so we can as well enter into our hearts and examine and see how our lives are and see what needs to be changed.

As for us we are left with 17 girls, we had to send 25 girls to their homes or relatives houses to minimize the number of people staying together as per the government order. We have our 9 old ladies, three of whom are bed ridden and with sisters and workers a total of 40 people staying here. As few of the workers are not able to come because of the lockdown, we are kept busy taking care of the old ladies and cleaning and with keeping the girls busy. The big girls help us with cleaning and cooking, so we are able to manage everything.

The girls are enjoying growing vegetable garden, learning cooking, embroidery etc. and of course studying. Two weeks back they were busy making face masks to donate to the government to give to poor people. I don’t know how it is in other countries but here many poor people get food only if they work and now without work many are finding it difficult to get food. We are helping some families whom we know.

Every evening we have a procession with a statue of Our lady of Fatima asking her to intercede for us and to protect us and our families and benefactors and friends from this pandemic.

In this month of May let us redouble our entreaties to Her whose prayers He always hears to ward off this pandemic from us and also that we may convert and become God oriented instead of world oriented.

Thank you very much for your continued support.

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,

Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Rosary procession with Our Lady

Download the letter (PDF)

To help the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart with a donation:

Associazione Consolatrici del Sacro Cuore di Gesù (onlus, 00429700552)

IBAN: IT22 L030 6972 7111 0000 0000 121


To the order of: Orphanage India  

Check scan be sent to the General House of the Society of St. Pius X in Menzingen, marked “Orphanage India”:

Priesterbruderschaft St. Pius X  


CH-6313 Menzingen  Switzerland

For more information, contact the mother house in Italy:

The Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Via Flaminia Vecchia, 20

05030 Vigne di Narni (TR) Italy

email: [email protected]